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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Counter Current Packed Bed Scrubbers

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Operating Principle :

High Velocity , Contaminanted , Noxious Gas enters a large plenum chamber , wherein the velocity is reduced to provide even gas distribution across the bottom of the Packing support grid. 

The contaminated gas moves slowly through a bed of specifically selected packings which creates a tortuous labyrinth causing the gas to be completely mixed and absorbed into , or reacted with the recirculating scrubbing liquid wash solution. 

The counter current flow of gas and recirculating scrubbing liquid wash solution maintains an absorption driving force throughout the entire depth of the packed bed. 

Fresh make up solution is added to the solution being recirculated to compensate for evaporation and to keep the absorbed contaminant concentration in an effective absorption range. 

The Spray Header , Weir Trough Dustributor evenly distribute the wash solution over the top of the packing bed by specially selected Non Clog Spray Nozzles. 

Clean gas then flows through a chevron type / High Efficiency Mesh Pad Mist Eliminator preventing mist carryover . 

The wash solution is collected in the recirculation sump sized large enough to provide a positive head for the recirculation pump. 

Benefits : 

Upto 99 % efficiencies can be achieved in many applications. For difficult conditions the same can be customised. 

The pressure drop across the scrubber is lowest of the class. 

Low recirculation solution and make up rates required. 

Rugged construction , thick continuously reinforced corners , well designed packing support plates ensure negligible or low maintainance costs. 

Many standard sizes covering air volumes upto 30000 CFM ensure tooling and drawings are readily available. 

Cross Flow Packed Bed Scrubbers

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Operating Principle :

• Contaminated air moves horizontally through a packed bed .

• It is irrigated /wetted by scrubbing liquid flowing down through the packing

• Mass transfer achieved by a combination of diffusion , physical absorption and /or chemical reaction

• Gas collection efficiencies a function of 

• Irrigation rates.

• Packing depth . 

• Composition of Recirculating scrubbing liquids.

Benefits :

• Low recirculation scrubbing liquid rates. 

• High volume air flow .

• Low pressure drops .

• Ideally suited for congested place Installations or where headroom is limited 

• Supplied inbuilt with recirculation tank .

• System Centrifugal fan can be connected directly to the scrubber outlet saving space and cost.

• Combined flexibility of efficient removal of gas , liquid or solid contaminants from air streams .

I.P. Scrubbers

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Operating Principles :

The gas passes up through the openings in the perforated plates (Impingement Plate stage fixed on Diaphragm plate trays) which hold a bed of liquid.

The secret is in the Impingement plate scrubber’s design which uses an impingement baffle above each individual hole.

The tiny droplets, created by the wetted baffles, are the heart of the collection process.

High Gas velocities through the holes result in thousands of jets which atomize the liquid into droplets of the order of 100 microns in diameter to clean the contaminated gas. . Each jet aspirates liquid from the blanket of scrubbing fluid and results in a wetted target surface on the baffle which is located just above the point of maximum velocity (vena contracta). This entraps the particles in the scrubbing liquid.

Continuous violent agitation of the blanket of scrubbing fluid prevents settling of particles and flushes them away. Therefore In operation, the scrubber is highly pluggage-resistant. 

Intimate gas/liquid contact results in the maximum collection efficiency for particles and droplets as well as absorption (mass transfer) of gases and vapors. 

When used for absorption, low outlet emissions can be achieved by virtue of the scrubber’s countercurrent operation. 

The Bhavi Plast Impingement Plate Gas Scrubber is able to reduce gaseous pollutants to any desired concentration if a sufficient number of plate stages is used.

Benefits : 

High absorption efficiency for gases and vapors. Efficiencies of upto 98-99% are possible for removal of gaseous pollutants to any desired concentration if a sufficient number of plates are used. This means high mass transfer rates can be achieved.

98+% collection efficiency for particles 5 microns in size or larger.

These high particle collection efficiencies are achieved at a comparatively low pressure drop.

Venturi Scrubbers

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Operating Principles :

The incoming gas is accelerated to a high velocity at the scrubber’s throat where it comes into contact with the scrubbing liquid. 

In the Venturi Wet Scrubber Scrubbing liquid is atomised into fine droplets which entrap particles. 

It uses the deferential between high velocity gases and free-flowing water to create droplets which entrap contaminants, hold them in suspension and deliver them as a highly concentrated slurry. 

Downstream from the throat, the cleaned gas decelerates and the particulate-laden droplets collide and agglomerate. The large, heavy, agglomerated droplets are driven away for easy disposal. 

Our Venturi Wet Scrubber offers more advantages in separating and recovering liquid mists and ultra-fine particulate than other gas cleaning methods. 

Benefits :

Simple in design, yet highly efficient, this Venturi Wet Scrubber incorporates features calculated to maximize collection efficiency while minimizing operating and maintenance costs. 

It is non clogging , has a simple method of introducing the scrubbing liquid and can be provided with an adjustable throat for optimising efficiency 

Flooded elbow is provided to collect agglomerated particulate which provides a barrier to scrubber wear and tear. 

Divergent section for energy regain, reducing power consumption and resultant operating costs.

Centrifugal Fans

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Bhavi Plast Pvt Ltd make Non Mettalic Centrifugal Fans provide optimum performance with minimal interruption.

• Centrifugal Fan housings are manufactured from premium grade Polyester resins (SS, thermoplastics, engineering fluropolymers and fire retardant resins can be considered on request) that provide excellent corrosion resistance in most chemical environments.

• The Steel Hubs are always encapsulated in FRP built from resins to provide maximum corrosion resistance.

• Design parameters selected to improve the operational reliability and reduce downtime.

• Efficiencies of 75-83% are normal for most of the ratings.

• Manufactured under stringent manufacturing standards using carefully controlled FRP manufacturing procedures.

• Tested and rated in Accordance with IS 4894 before dispatch.

• Dynamically balanced Impellers to run smoother, longer.

• Our Lightweight Non metallic fans offer the flexibility to locate, where placing a heavier Mettalic Fan is Impractical. Another benefit – Structural Requirements are comparably lesser than a metallic fan.

• Our commitment is that the end customer receives extended performance from every penny invested in our fans. 

• When unforeseen problems occur, you can rely on our expert repair, rebuilding and field balancing to put the fans back into action.

Pulse Jet Fabric Filter

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Pulse jet Fabric Filters operating for virtually every industry application – Protecting the quality of air we breath. 

• Our Pulse jet Fabric Filters are a new design in pulse jet dust collection. 

• Offer High collection efficiencies required for compliance to stringent environmental regulations.

• Pulse jet Fabric Filters designed by working closely with our customers specific requirement . We have pioneered many fabric filter design breakthroughs and industrial application milestones.

• Benefits of true economy passed on to the plant owner by the new pulse jet fabric filters designed to reduce 

• Installation costs (Standard sizes completely fabricated and dispatched ready for easy economical site installation )

• Maintenance (Large access doors for ease of inspection and maintenance.)

• Replacement Parts (completely Tool-less pulse pipe & Bag changes)

• Energy cost (“on demand” cleaning regulated by collector pressure drop).

• Dust collectors available in standard sizes. Custom sizes can be offered for specific applications. 

• An even pressure drop is maintained by all Pulse jet dust collectors by periodic on - line compressed air cleaning. This low volume air is multiplied by an efficient venturi design which effectively cleans the entire length of the filter bag.

• Because we make all of our own collectors, we can custom design a valve sizes and venturi combinations to meet any air volume cleaning requirement.

Chemical Process Tanks

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Bhavi Plast Pvt. Ltd. Make chemical process tanks are a comprehensive range of reinforced plastic Tanks , representing the finest equipment's available in the industry today.

At Bhavi Plast Pvt Ltd Vessel design starts with an analysis of the operating environment which include . 

The solution being stored or processed, along with the solution temperature, 

Capacity, style of construction 

vacuum or pressure, 

wind load, seismic forces, 

corrosion allowances, 

as well as any loads imposed by agitation, platforms, or any other reason, are then analyzed

To provide the most cost effective laminate design and fabrication method. 

Well established engineering relationships have been computerized by us to aid in the evaluation of many alternative designs

Predicted laminate properties like tensile strength, flexural strength and modulus and others can immediately be verified .

We manufacture fiberglass vessels with various thermosetting resins such as modified polyesters, vinyl esters, epoxy etc . For extremely aggressive environments where none of the above will suffice, We can offer dual laminate construction with a variety of thermoplastic and engineering fluro polymer liners.

All equipment fabricated are of finest quality, and are manufactured in accordance with the latest desi.

• For Hand Lay Up / Contact Molded fabrications : ASTM D - 4097 Contact Molded Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoset resin Chemical Resitant Tanks. 

• For filament Wound fabrications: ASTM D-3299 Specification for Filament Wound Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Resin Chemical Resistant Tanks.

Static Mixtures

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Bhavi Plast Pvt Ltd Make Reinforced Plastic Static Inline Mixer solves mixing problems in the continuous processes.

Principles of operation : 

The Mixer has Fixed Left and Right hand elements in a tubular housing. 

The fixed geometric design produces unique flow divisions and radial mixing simultaneously. 

In laminar flow the material being processed divides at the leading edge of each element and follows the channel created by the element shape. 

At each succeeding element the two channels are further divided.resulting in exponential increase in stratification. 

The number of striations produced are 2 where `n’ is the number of elements. 

Rotational circulation of the processed material results in eliminating radial gradients in temperature , velocity and material composition. 



Benefits : 

Clean simple design 

Element edge sealing with the mixture possible. 

The Unique helical shape naturally fits the housing. Housing can be designed for internal pressures upto 20 Kg/Cm2. 

Lowest pressure drop. 

Almost certain to deliver the agreed blend , dispersion or mixing requirement specified.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Polluction Control Machinery, Big Scrubber, Blower, Centrifugal Fans, Chemical Process Tanks, Counter Current Packed Bed Scrubbers, Cross Flow Packed Bed Scrubbers, Ducting, Effluent Treatment Machinery, Exaust Fan, Exhaust Blower Units, Frp Air Polluction Machinery, Frp Blowers, Frp Chemical Machinery, Frp Fabricators, Frp Fume Hood, Frp Trays, Frp Trunkey Projects Fabricators, Hdpe Fabrications, I. P. Scrubbers, Plastic Fabricators, Pollution Control Machinery, Polypropylene Chemical Storage Tank, Pp Fabrications, Ppg Tank, Ppgl Blower, Pulse Jet Fabric Filter, Pvc Fabrications, Pvc Tank, Scrubber, Scrubber In Frp, Scrubber Units, Small Scrubber, Static Mixtures, Tank In Frp, Tank Units, Trays Frp, Venturi Scrubbers